The renowned Ghanaian Poet,with his splendid piece,Gombilla, has released a video themed “WICKED WORLD”.

The video which was produced by Andy. com Entertainment featuring Don Sigli another inspirational musician has redefined peotry in the entertainment industry.

The video which is advocating for the eradication of poverty in the society, is charging the leaders in Africa to help the poor and needy in the society.

Speaking to the producer Mr. Andy, he praised the collaborative work of the duo (Gombilla and Don Sigli) in the master piece and urges all corporate bodies to give back to the less privileged in society.

“the Collaborative-work ( poetry ft music ) , of one of Ghana’s fastest rising Spoken word Artists ( Gombilla the Poet ) and one of Ghana’s finest musicians ( Don Sigli ) seeks to penetrate the hearts of individuals , Governments , and corporate entities to do more for the less privileged in Society”he said.

“WICKED WORLD”, the master piece of Gombilla which highlights challenges confronted in a typical African society, which also encourages leaders around the world particularly African leaders, to help eradicate poverty in their regions.

The video which has been shared on social media platforms advocating for the eradication of poverty is a must watch piece.

The producer, Mr. Andy, who spotted Gombilla when he was a student in the University and has since been a strong pillar behind this genius poet has also been inspired by the video and has the following to share.

“Life is like a woman pregnant with many difficulties . Each person defines a problem , In their own contexts . But , many are those whose difficulty hangs on their inability to actually know where their next meal will come from .
We see them everyday .
We live with them .
We interact with them.
But , little is being done to help them out of the shackles of poverty”.

Despite Ghana’s poverty level has declined to about half from 51 percent to 24.2 percent since 1991 to date according to the Ghana Poverty and Inequality report ,using the 6th Ghana Living Standard Survey 2016,however, the inequality gap ( between the rich and poor) has been widen.

Eventhough Ghana has met it’s MDG1 on report, on the ground,poverty still remains an area that needs attention.

In other for Ghana to advance or grow economically, eradicating poverty through cr employment, improving on agriculture, providing social amenities in the deprived communities just to mention but a few.

Demery and Squire (1996) concluded from their study which was conducted in six African countries which includes: Ghana,Côte d’Ivoire,Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania,opines that, increasing economic growth, has a close association in reducing poverty levels.

Below is the link to the video “WICKED WORLD” by Gombilla the poet ft. Don Sigli

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