Sulley Muntari left the pitch – A Good Call; FIFA must Act


Say No to racism! Kill Racism! and many other myriad campaigns in World football as far back as I could remember have tumbled on death ears by some fans across the world. Yet, the game which preaches against racism suffers major setbacks when it comes to participation by “people in colour”.

The tool which has proven to be the most unifying medium to curb some of these racial abuses suffered by black players especially those from Africa must be unfavourably looked into by FIFA.

FIFA, the world’s most respected Football Governing body must critically assess and possibly intensify not only the campaign against racism, but to educate member Associations to address some of these issues and also punish perpetrators.

“How many players should walk off of the field during a match, before FIFA would take drastic measures to resolve some of these issues surrounding the beautiful game of football?” This is very Sad!

One cannot imagine the great impact football has done for the world in terms of development from the 17th Century till now, yet some fans racially abuse black players.

The recent incidence which caused many football advocators to gasps when Ghanaian International and Pescara midfielder, Sulley Muntari angrily left the pitch in protest. He left the pitch after he was cautioned by the referee Daniele Minelli on their Serie A game at Cagliari on Sunday 30th April 2017.

A similar incidence happened when Kevin-Prince Boateng walked off the pitch because of racist chanting during a friendly with lower-league side Pro Patria in January 2013.

Many critics have argued that the Pescara midfielder, Muntari, should have waited till the end of the game to report the incidence to the officials. The one which drew my attention was the comment by the Pescara boss Zdenek Zeman, as captured by BBC Sports, “He asked the referee to intervene, but he [said he had] neither heard nor seen anything. “Muntari was right, but he shouldn’t have left the pitch

. It’s not up to us to dole out justice. We can talk a lot about it but then it must be left with the powers that be”.

Yes! he may be right Muntari shouldn’t have left the pitch but how would the situation be addressed if he doesn’t advocate?

Many players suffer such emotionally abuse, through chanting of racial songs, insults among others. Few master the courage to condemn such outrageous act which tarnishes the great values of FIFA. Personally, Muntari needs to be commended rather for taking the bold step. Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein,UN High Commissioner for Human Rights even praised Muntari as captured by The Racial abuse of players must be stop!

FIFA must fine such clubs whose fans indulged in some of these racial abuse to serve as a deterrent for other clubs. The Italian FA must also issue a press statement disbanding such acts that brings the Association in disrepute. Sulley Muntari is black and has passion for football, he should be judged by his performance on the field and not his colour. FIFA must act! Say No to racism!

By: Hanson Emmanuel/

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