UN did not appoint Sonnie Badu as ambassador, we did - Church

UN did not appoint Sonnie Badu as ambassador, we did – Church

The Word of Life Christian Fellowship has explained suggestions that the United Nation (UN) appointed UK-based Ghanaian gospel musician Sonnie Badu as an ambassador are incorrect.
According to the Church, based in New York, they honoured the musician with the UN ambassadorial appointment due to their relationship with the intergovernmental organisation.
On April 30th this year, the ‘Baba’ hit singer received three major honours in New York.

He was first given the Key to Brooklyn New York by Eric L. Adams, the president of Borough of Brooklyn. He was also awarded Doctor of Divinity by CICA International University and Seminary.

The third major honour, that has generated the most controversy, was the UN Ambassador CDSE (Commander of most Distinguished Order of Special Envoy expert in the field of sacred music) given to him.

Some Ghanaians have called the authenticity of the award into question with many saying it is fake. Some argued that there is nothing like UN Ambassador CDSE.

In a letter, copied, addressing concerns raised about the honours, Dr. Phillip S. Phinn, President General and Chancellor of Word of Life Christian Fellowship & CICA International University & Seminary, said the public got it all wrong.

According to him, Word of Life Christian Fellowship has been in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for over 20 years.

Due to this, it “has established its own strata of awards for its representatives/ambassadors to the United Nations and those holding At-Large positions.”

Dr. Phinn explained that, “One such award is the Commander of the Most Distinguish Order of Special Envoy (CDSE). This was the honor bestowed upon our recent appointed UN Ambassador Dr. Sonnie Badu.”

Explaining the appointment further, he said, “Perhaps the media reported that Dr. Badu was given this award by the United Nations which was incorrect; it was given by Word of Life Christian Fellowship, a UN accredited NGO, and we also appointed him as one of our Distinguish Ambassadors At-Large and to the UN office in Geneva.”

Sonnie Badu, the letter revealed, will be assigned to the UN office in Geneva and will start his tour of duty in January of 2018.

Reacting to legitimacy of the of the Honorary Doctorate degrees the ‘Wonder God’ hit singer received at the same event, Dr. Phinn refuted claims that the organisation is not qualified to award the musician.

“On the matter of the Honorary Doctorate that was given to Sonnie Badu, we wish to refute the idea that our University & Seminary does not have the legal authority to give a minister of the gospel, especially someone in the standing of Dr. Badu,” the Award. He attached copies of two letters from the government of state of Florida to verify otheir legal position.

According to him, “Dr. Sonnie Badu has exceeded the requirements by the University & Seminary for such an honor (Honorary Doctorate of Divinity degree), as he has been a gospel minister in excess of ten years.”

Read the unedited letter below:

This letter serves to make clear the honors that were conferred on Dr. Sonnie Badu on April, 30th, 2017 by Word of Life Christian Fellowship & CICA International University & Seminary respectively.

Word of Life Christian Fellowship is the only full gospel organization that is in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for over 20 years and has established its own strata of awards for its representatives/ambassadors to the United Nations and those holding At-Large positions.

One such award is the Commander of the Most Distinguish Order of Special Envoy (CDSE).

This was the honor bestowed upon our recent appointed UN Ambassador Dr. Sonnie Badu.

Dr. Badu will be assigned to the UN office in Geneva and will start his tour of duty in January of 2018.

Perhaps the media reported that Dr. Badu was given this award by the United Nations which was incorrect; it was given by Word of Life Christian Fellowship, a UN accredited NGO, and we also appointed him as one of our Distinguish Ambassadors At-Large and to the UN office in Geneva.

On the matter of the Honorary Doctorate that was given to Sonnie Badu, we wish to refute the idea that our University & Seminary does not have the legal authority to give a minister of the gospel, especially someone in the standing of Dr. Badu.

Enclosed please find two letters from the government of state of Florida which serve to verify our LEGAL position.

Dr. Sonnie Badu has exceeded the requirements by the University & Seminary for such an honor (Honorary Doctorate of Divinity degree), as he has been a gospel minister in excess of ten years.

The truth will prevail and those of you who know Dr. Sonnie Badu can truly testify that he is a man of substance, honest and God fearing.

God Bless,

Yours Sincerely,

H.E. Rt. Hon. Dr. Phillip S. Phinn, OEA, D-C.P.C.

President General/ Chancellor of

Word of Life Christian Fellowship & CICA International University & Seminary respectively.




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