The Richest Man Of All Time

Source of Wealth- Conquests
Age -Deceased at 737 years old on 1337
Birth Place- Mali
Full Name- Mansa Musa I
Date of Birth- 1280
Occupation- Emperor

Mansa Musa was the ruler of Malian Empire which has an estimated net worth of $400 billion. He is referred to as The Richest Man of All Time.

Mansa Musa is the tenth Mansa. He is known for other names such as Emir of Melle, Lord of the Mines of Wangara, and Conqueror of Ghanata, Futa-Jallon.

He came to the throne by appointing a deputy. The reason why the King appointed Musa as his deputy because he did an expedition to the Atlantic Ocean.

When Musa embarked himself to a journey, aside from his own religious fulfillment, but he also recruited leaders and teachers so that his people must learn more about the teachings of the Prophet.

He is known as a devoted Muslim. His pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 was known across northern Africa and the Middle East.

The said journey to Mecca was documented by a lot of eyewitness wherein they astonished on the extensive procession. In 1324, he also visited with the Mamluk sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad of Egypt.

When he returned from his journey from Mecca in 1325, he was told that his army recaptured of Gao. Musa visited the city made a detour and visited the city and brought the two sons of the Gao king to Niani.

He built mosques and madrasas in Timbuktu and Gao. Some of the buildings he made during his reign was the ancient center of learning Sankore Madrasah or University of Sankore, and Hall of Audience in Niani.

Also during his reign, he accomplished the build up of Timbuktu wherein it became a center of trade, culture, and Islam.

Mansa Musa I of Mali was born during the period of 1280s. He died on 1337. He has two sons.

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