Asamoah Gyan's airline business will start next year

Asamoah Gyan’s airline business will start next year

Baby Jet Airlines will commence business operations in 2018, according to the Director-General of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority.

According to the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) director, Simon Allotey, the company will start operations next year barring any last minute hitch during an interview with Citi FM.

“If the company works very hard and their manuals are found satisfactory and they have the aircraft they intend to operate and assuming all things are in place, then within six months they can complete the certification process.”

He added, “Sometimes some of these airlines go through phases one to three and delay at the fourth phase because they delay in acquiring aircrafts. But mostly on the average, most of the airlines take twelve to eighteen months to complete the process.”

Gyan will become the first African footballer to own an airline should operations take off next year as planned.

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