We the GREATER ACCRA TEIN have been saddened about how our country is being managed since 7th January, 2017 by the Akuffo Addo led government. As a nation of nascent democracy, our national stability and security have been threatened unceasingly by NPP paid hooligans and yet, nothing seem to be done about it by the government. Ghanaians have been living in a state of terror, fear and apprehension by our own elected government and it is something the Ghanaian has been managing with pitifully with no hope from his own mandated government. We are appalled by how our security is being handled and our country is safe no more.
Much recently too, the same untrusted and disingenuous government has been engaged in shoddy selfish deals to sell the sovereignty of our country to the USA for a pittance of US$20million without recourse to the implications and indeed, the ramifications do not bare contemplating on. Where’s the Ghana beyond aid specs.
We want to send a stern warning that we do not want the militarization of Ghana. We do not want to see a Ghana as a protectorate where it relinquishes its own sovereignty to the US hegemony by any despot.
History has shown that governments that went into such deals have had their nations destabilized and we aren’t ready to experience such volatile situations in Ghana. Our peace and stability are being mortgaged and threatened by a clique of self-centered, armchair, political leeches and shortsighted oligarchs who have nothing better to offer Ghana and we call on all well-meaning Ghanaians to join hands to fight the tyranny of this NPP government. We shall fight and resist all imperialist attempts to enslave us. We are being sold out on a modern form of slavery, instrumented through militarization which our forebears shed their blood against. This agreement sells us and puts the control of our economy and its financial market in the hands of these imperialists. All our natural resources (primary resources and nonrenewable sources of energy) will be at the behest of the US government. The latter constitute the cornerstone of US power through the activities of its multinational corporations.
“The establishment of U.S. military bases should not of course be seen simply in terms of direct military ends. They are always used to promote the economic and political objectives of U.S. capitalism. For example, U.S. corporations and the U.S. government have been eager for some time to build a secure corridor for US.-controlled oil and natural gas pipelines from the Caspian Sea in Central Asia through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. The war in Afghanistan and the creation of U.S. military Bases in Central Asia are viewed as a key opportunity to make such pipelines a reality.” A report stated.
History has also shown that countries that went into such agreements to host USA bases have had no or little peace after bequeathing their birth and civil rights to America. A few comes to mind: Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, etc. The enemies of the USA will forever be lurking around Ghana to infiltrate our security ranks, borders and destabilize our country as has happened in the above mentioned countries.
We must therefore be wary of the enemies of the USA i.e. Russia, China, UK, etc and how they perceive Ghana at a time we are begging the Chinese who are sworn enemies of USA cup in hand for aid to build our 1village 1Dam, 1district 1factory, 1Constituency $1mill. We risk all these monies for our flowery projects if we go ahead with this deal. Let’s remember the enemies of the USA see friends of the USA as enemies too and will stop at nothing to destroy them.

Listening to the Minister for Defense unctuously justifying why this deal is good for Ghana, we are convinced that the security and defense of this country has been put in the hands of a boy and neophyte, which hitherto has not always been the case. We were told we had the men, where are the men. We therefore advocate that the military base(s) be setup at Kyebi and or Bimbilla because he who invites a good friend must be ready to host him. All our defense minister knows is to give instructions to soldiers to go burn tipper trucks.
Evidence also suggests that paragraph 6.4 of the committee report to parliament on the Agreement categorically stated, “The committee noted with concern, the unfettered access the Agreement grants to the Aircraft, vehicles, and vessels of the US DOD to enter, exit and freely move within the territory, air space and territorial waters of Ghana. This may appear to undermine the sovereignty and security of Ghana”. We read with cringe, how and what still motivated the NPP MPs to ratify the agreement upon critical scrutiny. By this clause, it means the US military can behead or perform inhumane acts without being questioned or can’t even be tried on our soil.
We also see the agreement as an innocuous attempt to coerce our government to legalize homosexuality in Ghana where any attempts to oppose, would trigger a “holocaust” on Ghana, to cause mayhem to depopulate developing countries and extinct our specie by using unconventional and inhumane acts and such narcissistic tendencies must be resisted. We know of all their sinister plans including the MEMO that was written by Henry Kissinger that became a policy to augment this idea.
There is also an inextricable and interwoven ominous relation between the NPP and foreign military forces, which they exploit to destabilize Ghana anytime NPP annexes or want to annex power. The NPP tradition is the same crop of disingenuous and cunning people that connived with the CIA to topple our first president, Dr Kwame Nkrumah and Ghana has never seen any real development in Ghana until the P/NDC surfaced into the Ghanaian political landscape. It is therefore clear that, they (NPP) are antithetic to anything called peace, but violence and terrorism is what they stand for. As appendage of their old tradition, President Akuffo Addo is being remote controlled to yet again destabilize our dear country. There is a clear marriage between the Danquah BUSIA tradition and the CIA in matters like these and the NPP can’t delineate themselves from this marriage. They have been spies for the CIA before which led to the betrayal of Ghana and Nkrumah. The NPP have arrogated to themselves terrorism, hooliganism, vandalism etc, which have been ceded to them by their treasonist tradition and we must be cautious about them because anytime they are in power, some evil prowls around this nation.
It is the right of every sovereign nation citizens to determine who can and who cannot legally enter within its borders with military accoutrements. As Donald Trump once said, “Our hope is a word and world of proud, independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all: a future of dignity and peace for the people of this wonderful Earth.” Let the Americans themselves be guided by what their president said and let them know sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the people, the human mind, ethical values and not some super power nations. President Akuffo Addo and the NPP should stop privatizing our humane values that were once communal and shared by all Ghanaians. No amount of money can buy our sovereignty.
We are therefore calling for the cancellation of any such agreement that grants the US military unbridled immunity and establishment of a military base in Ghana. We are also calling for the disarmament and demilitarization of US military bases in Africa and the world at large. We demand for justice because in the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery? Why should we want to enmesh ourselves in a military and political system that is driving the planet and our species toward destruction?
We also entreat the media to join in this fight and not be cowed without fear or favor or be hypocritical but speak dispassionately and patriotically to the issues because the future and our lives are at stake.
We want to remind the parties in this deal that Will is to grace as the Horse is to the rider: establish your military bases at your country and let us have ours at our backyard.
Let us all join hands to fight the tyranny of this NPP government and give power back to the people. Let the government that is auctioning Ghana for pittance and the so-called colonialist that Ghanaians are not a timid people as has been suggested. Far from it. Fact is, we may be slow to anger, and may take time to organize and act but once we are ready, we strike and strike hard as lethal weapons do. It benefits no one to endanger our Ghanaian freedom, dignity and sovereignty. Ghana is out of the monstrous grips of colonialism and shall never return to it.
We add our voice to the Ghana First Patriotic Front and walk in solidarity with them to redeem our fast ebbing freedom by putting Ghana First on Wednesday March 28, 2018. Let us join hands and embark on this nonpartisan massive demonstration to fight for our future.
President Akuffo Addo should endeavor to put Ghana first as his counterpart Trump is putting his America First.
Ghana First.
David Kumi Ado

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