Don't forgive NDC members for side-lining you - Owusu Bempah tells Rawlings

Don’t forgive NDC members for side-lining you – Owusu Bempah tells Rawlings

Rev Isaac Owusu Bempah of Glorious Word and Power Ministry International, has pleaded with former president Jerry john Rawlings not to entertain or accept any apology from members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him, if NDC members decide to approach him [Rawlings] to render an apology, for side-lining him as the founder of the party, he should ignore them, because they are disrespectful.

In a radio interview Tuesday morning on Accra based Okay FM, Rev Owusu Bempah said if NDC members were to pray fervently, God will reveal to them that it will take a longer period for them to return to power unless they begin to change their ways.

He said, for instance, the side-lining of their founder, Mr Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings was an indication that their [NDC] house was not in order for the Bible beholds everyone to honour their father and their mother.

Anita’s apology

Madam Anita De Sooso in a much-publicised apology during this year’s June 4th commemorative event at Madina in Accra went on her knees before Mr Rawlings to ask for forgiveness for certain comments made about him by some NDC party members.

She pleaded: “Now to my father – founder [Rawlings], I know your children we’ve erred, and I also know that you’re a human being and you have also done something; maybe it is not right and I was so happy when I heard you say that, when you brought that statement out rendering an apology – you are a hero. You are a hero.

“This shows that what you have taught me is still within me. If you are a leader, be prepared to say that I’m sorry. If you’re a child, be prepared to say that daddy I’m sorry. So, I’ll take this opportunity on behalf of the party to kneel down before my dad – please forgive us. Let us come together to build this country”.

However, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketiah distanced the party from the open apology rendered byits National Vice Chairperson, Anita De Sooso.

According to Mr Nketiah, Madam De Sooso acted unilaterally and without the prior consent of the NDC executives when she delivered that apology.

“I am talking to you as Chief Executive of the party and the person who keeps the records of decisions of the party. I am telling you that we never at any point, discussed the possibility or anything about approaching founder (Mr Rawlings) and apologising for anything,” the scribe of the main opposition political party said.

Mr Nketiah added: “As we speak now, nobody knows the offence for which Anita was apologising, and she did it and after she said it, we brought her to a meeting trying to find out what offence she was referring to, she couldn’t answer. So we considered it to be her personal issue with the founder”.

You cannot neglect your father and expect things to run smoothly in the house. Unless NDC members accord Mr Rawlings the respect he deserves, they cannot return back to power without his support, “it will be very difficult for them,” Rev Owusu Bempah said in the Okay FM interview Tuesday morning.

Sounding unapologetic for his proposal, and ignoring Jesus’ call for people to adopt a forgiving stance [77 x 7], Rev Owusu Bempah insisted that some NDC members have made it their business to denigrate some men of God including himself simply because he says things which do not favour them.

He denied media reports suggesting that he had said that President Akufo-Addo was a one-term president.

He denied saying anything of that sort anywhere and said even though God was yet to reveal to him whether the NDC will return to power in 2020, he was greatly convinced that President Akufo-Addo has not finished the works God has ordained him to do for Ghana.

If God should reveal to me that NDC will return to power in 2020, I will let the public know about that, but God is yet to reveal that to me, he added.


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