What is trust and what premium would you place on it?. Every relationship of the human race depend on this five-letter word(Trust) to move from its initial encounter and develop into one appreciated by both parties.
The word trust also means believe,confidence or refuge.Trusting or believing requires confidence.
Trust, confidence or refuge can be expressed in three ways;
act of confiding | Proverbs 3:5-6
object of confidence | Deut. 32:37
state of confidence or security | 2Sam 22:3
The Christian’s success journey is about trust.Trust that needs to be placed in God. The above three ways in which trust can be expressed tell us of the completeness of trust when it’s looked at in it’s entirety.
To succeed or be successful,you need to trust or have confindence in the Lord. For a Christian,trusting or placing your confidence in the Lord is not an option.It’s your way to success. Throughout scripture,various passages from Genesis to Revelation have actually depicted the importance or benefit of trusting the Lord.
Success, as we have in the previous writings stated,is very relative,but for the believer it’s about your fulfillment of the christian mandate.
Whom or what you trust,will automatically translate into your actions and also how you relate to the world.
Psalm 40:4,makes us understand that a man is blessed if he should place his trust in the Lord.
Trust is necessary for success so place your trust or confidence in the Lord and you’ll surely succeed in all your ways.God bless you.
Part 5: “The Success Factor” …………………..Trust………………….

Part 5: "The Success Factor" .......................Trust......................