The minister of interior and the inspector general of the Ghana police service must be blamed for the gross misconduct of the Ghana police officers.
Due to ignorance they are unable to organise platforms to educate the police officers on how they are bind or obliged to relate to civilians and also liaise with the national Commission on civic education (NCCE) to also educate the citizens on how they must also relate with the police or security men of this country.
The police officer misconducted himself at the Midland bank as the result of ignorance of his duty as the civilians protector but their killer, irrespective of the act at hand.
The same way the woman also refuse to comply as the police officer authorized her to leave but rather trying to defend herself by also fighting the police officer, all these happened as the result of ignorance from both parties, and we must put the blame on the minister of interior and the IGP.
I therefore strongly relates the ongoing uncontrollable assaults between civilians and security men of this country to proverbs chapter 29:2
the Bible is indeed a great book, full of wisdom and facts about life.
Proverbs chapter 29:2 as I read says “when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked are in authority the people groan”
It is rather unfortunate that, we Ghanaians will not wake up and hear good news in this country since January 7th 2016 to date.
The incompetency of president Nana Addo is indeed reflecting on all his appointees at all levels, leading to the ongoing unprofessionalism at all sectors in this country.(specifically in the Ghana police service)
Under this clueless and incapable Nana Addo lead government, when we wake up and did not read news on arm robbery, it must be on accident,
If we did not read news on the president clearing his corruptible appointees without thorough justification, we must read news on the president’s name been mentioned in corruptible acts by his own surrogates.
If we did not read news on civilians killing security men, we must read news on security men killing or assaulting innocent civilians.
If we did not read lies about our collapsing economy, we must read lies about the claimed achievement of this insensitive government.
If we did not read news on fuel and transport increments, we must read news on VAT increments in “backdoor”
When are we going to be freed from this mess as a country?
What is NANA ADDO hiding from us?
What have we done to deserve this Sodom and Gomorrah situation as a country?
We are pleading with HIS EXCELLENCY WILLIAM NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFFU ADDO to reveal to us all what he is hiding from us.
Fellow Ghanaians currently suffering from uncontrollable famine, brutalising, killing, assaulting, hardship, deaths and many more must simply know the reason behind all these happenings is as the result of the bad and wicked people in authority presently.
Now the way forward is only one:We must waste no time in sending the elephant who supposed to be in the bush and unfortunately happens to be in the town and now destroying us back to the bush and bring the umbrella to cover us against social, economics and political crisis come 2020.
Let’s avoid the strange and illogical political tradition which we have adopted from no where in the political discourse of the world that, every political party must rule for two terms.
That is not Constitutional and we must not try keeping this oppressors for two terms after the unthinkable disappointment and trauma we currently going through.
Thank you all.
May God protect Mother Ghana against her present situation.
I extend a deep greetings to the brutalized baby mother, she must take heart.
It is not the fault of the police nor her but it is rather bound to happen as said by proverbs 29:2
Thank you all once again.
God bless the NDC
Abraham Boafo