Historic performances, mammoth crowd at PRESEC Bonfire Night

Historic performances, mammoth crowd at PRESEC Bonfire Night

It was the Bonfire Night; but rivals started a #Bonflood night campaign on social media when the heavens opened its mouth wide with showers.

But the boys from Madina, Oops! sorry, Legon persisted. They defied the rains, shamed the cynics and kept the flames of the Bonfire burning for hours in one long enchanting night of music and fun.

It was a miracle somewhat. Like Moses (in Exodus 14:10-22) who lifted his staff for the Red Sea to part into two for the Israelites to cross, The PRESEC boys lifted their song in prayer and kept the rains in abeyance.

But hold on, when (J)esus first, (O)thers second and (Y)ourself (JOY FM) is involved, God listens and so the rains subsided with the DJs DJ Black holding it down with an army of Odade3s some of whom are key part of the JOY brand.

The 2018 edition of the Torch and Bonfire Night by the Presbyterian Boys Senior High School (PRESEC) on Friday night obviously is one for the history books.

In a typical Joy FM standard, the show was live on air at 8 pm. Before then, every inch of space at the School Field was covered with thousands of current and past students in attendance.

As the huge bonfire set behind the venue sent thick fire rays into the sky, the main stage was also buzzing with activities.

Glorious Odade3s – Lexis Bill, Gary Al-Smith, George Wiafe and George Addo Jnr – all from the JOY brand mounted the stage to show off their attempt at the famous Kupe Challenge. It was a feeble one at that! They are simply best on radio and TV than on the dance floor!


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