Frazer Aryee
I was brain behind numerous criminal activities in Ghana, Togo and Benin - Frazer Aryee

I was brain behind numerous criminal activities in Ghana, Togo and Benin – Frazer Aryee

65-year-old Mr. Frazer Aryee, has told crimecheckghana that he masterminded many criminal activities, including kidnapping and murder in the mid-80s.

Frazer who served 20 years on the death row at the Nsawam Medium Security said he thrilled about the kidnapping business after reading some books in Spain, so he decided to return to Ghana to execute his agenda.

“When I returned home, I recruited some friends including the son of the late VCAC Crable, Gyani Kotey, Eric Korankye, Samuel Brown and others, who expressed interest to help me execute my plan. My first operation was unsuccessful but my second which involved the abduction of a four-year-old boy was successful. I received some good cash from the boy’s father”. He said.

Luck, however, run out for Frazer, as he was sentenced to a year in prison after his wealthy father had returned the ransom to the father of the abducted child.

But that did not stop Frazer from indulging in even more dangerous and criminal activities after his release from prison.

“I became a notorious and hardened armed robber who killed and terrorized many innocent Ghanaians. Through my activities, some innocent people were wrongly jailed and executed”.

Not satisfied with acts of terror and cruelty, Frazer says he once tried to overthrow former Togolese Dictator, Gnassingbe Eyadema.

To crush every opposition in his way, the ex-convict claims he used powerful amulets and charms which were too strong for any gun or cutlass until the charms eventually failed him.

“I was shocked when I was finally arrested and sentenced to death at the Nsawam Medium Security Prison. I thought I could never be caught”. A remorseful Frazer said.

His encounter with God, according to him, was a miracle that saved his soul from destruction.

“After reading some passages of the Bible, a bell started ringing in my ears, telling me to give my life to Christ and I accepted this call graciously”. The God in his life, according to him was made manifest when he was saved from execution from one B.T Baaba, after he had been included in a twenty man list that were to be executed.

“I wept uncontrollably and prayed fervently when I was being taken to the gallows for execution. Strangely, B.T Baaba appeared from nowhere and ordered the executioners to leave me out”.

An emotional Frazer said whiles apologizing to the many innocent souls who have lost their lives because of him, Frazer had these words for the youth “armed robbery will destroy you and expose you to the horrors of hell”.



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