The Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council has threatened to destool any chief in his traditional who violates the decision to ban the NDC from official functions organized under the auspices of the Ofori Panin stool should they fail to apologize to the Okyehene for the ‘sins’ of one of its members.
Kwame Zu, the Ashanti regional secretary of the NDC, is reported to have said last Thursday that, the Okyehene and the people of Kyebi competed with animals until former President John Mahama provided water for them, despite the town being the hometown of President Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.
The comments have been described as insulting to the people of Akyem Abuakwa.
Addressing a press conference in Kyebi as part of a protest to the comment made by the NDC man, Daniel Marfo Ofori Atta, State Secretary of the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council, Kwame Zu made abusive and provocative statements aimed at demeaning the Okyehene, Amoatia Ofori Panin II and his subjects
The Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council on Monday demonstrated against the leadership of the NDC.
They are demanding that the party pacifies the stool and publicly sanction Mr. Zu for his actions.
Demonstrators held placards showing their disapproval of the comment by the NDC executive.
Some of the placards read, ” Zu of NDC you are a disgrace, NDC koraa what has Okyehene and Kyebi done?”