'Your spouse, children, parents, friends could be those selling you out' – Agyinasare

‘Your spouse, children, parents, friends could be those selling you out’ – Agyinasare

Bishop Charles Agyinasare has cautioned Christians to be wary of people close to them because they can be the very people who turn to sell them out.

Preaching on the topic: “Dealing with Household Enemies,” on Sunday, 5 January 2020, the founder of Perez Chapel International said household enemies are usually people “close to you” and “know your secret”.

“Normally, when we talk of household enemies, we are also talking about people in the same family or office or group who relate with you. So, it’s not just your biological family but the group you belong to etc. Out of there, you can have your household enemies. Most of the time, they are those who are close to you, they want what you have but they don’t get it through the right way, they don’t want it the right way,” he stated.

Using a picture of General Kotoka smiling at Dr Kwame Nkrumah to buttress his point, Bishop Agyinasare said Kotoka led a coup to overthrow Nkrumah just a day after smiling with him at the airport when Dr Nkrumah was leaving Ghana for Hanoi.

“I can also tell you of different instances where you will see pictures of either a head of state inspecting a parade and the people helping him inspect the parade, the following month or two, did a coup against him.

“So, household enemies are normally people who know you, they know your secret, they know your strength, they know your weaknesses and they are ready to sell you out.”

Quoting Genesis Chapter 4:3 – 5, Bishop Agyinasare said Cain killed his brother, Abel, because he could not stand his sacrifice.

“There are people in the same church with you, they can’t stand your commitment to God, even your spouse may not be able to stand even your giving to God. At times, your children or your parents may not be able to stand your sacrifice to God. When that happens, what they have become is your household enemies…,” he added.

Citing a personal experience, Bishop Agyinasare recounted: “When I got saved, after two months, I was privileged to go and live in a mission house and we used to have these pastors come from the regions to the mission house for their conferences and, one day, many pastors had come and I was pounding fufu for them and my hand was blistered. Then one of the deaconesses in the church said: ‘Look at you Charles, because you want to become a pastor, see how you’re killing yourself’, and I felt grieved because her children were not doing anything in the church and here I was doing it and I wasn’t doing it because I wanted to be a pastor and she wanted me to stop. So, I stopped for a few minutes and the Holy Ghost reminded me of a few things, then I said: ‘I will still do it’ and there are people who will not appreciate your sacrifice, they will want to stop your sacrifice but may nothing be able to stop your sacrifice.”




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