NHIA CEO tests positive for coronavirus, calls on friends to isolate

NHIA CEO tests positive for coronavirus, calls on friends to isolate

The CEO of the National Health Insurance Authority, Dr. Lydia Dsane-Selby, has announced that she has tested positive for the novel Coronavirus.

Speaking in an interview on Asaase Radio, Tuesday, June 16, 2020, she revealed that tests conducted on her by health professionals came out positive on Sunday.

Since then, she has tried her possible best to reach out to family and friends to appeal to them to isolate and contact appropriate health professionals.

In her explanation, she noted that the NHIA head office has since been disinfected and some staff who came into contact with her also asked to self-isolate. The facility, together with its affiliates across the country remains operational.

Dr. Lydia Dsane-Selby in the same breath cautioned Ghanaians to continue adhering to safety precautionary measures to avert the dire consequences of contracting the disease.

Meanwhile, the Health Minister, Kwaku Agyemang Manu who also tested positive for the virus has been discharged from the University of Ghana Medical Centre, where he was receiving treatment.

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