GSS opens application to recruit census trainers

GSS opens application to recruit census trainers

The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is currently recruiting prospective trainers to participate in a Pre-Certification Training Programme of Trainers for Censuses.

The pre-certification programme is being offered for both National Trainers (trainers of Regional trainers) and Regional Trainers (trainers of Field Officers).

The training programme will combine virtual with in-person modules and will run from 5th October 2020 to 5th February 2021 for National Trainers and from 7th November to 5th March for Regional Trainers. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until 25th September 2020 for National Trainers and 23rd October for Regional Trainers.

As part of its mandate stipulated in Clause 3 of the Statistical Service Act, 2019 (Act 1003, the Ghana Statistical Service provides quality, relevant, accurate, and timely statistical information for the purpose of national development.

The generation of statistical information requires the utilization of field personnel who must be trained in the knowledge, understanding, and application of the instruments for data collection. The services of capable and competent trainers are critical to the data collection process.

The upcoming Population and Housing Census will be used to launch the maiden programme for the pre-certification of trainers for data collection in Ghana to qualify them as trainers for the upcoming Population and Housing Census and future censuses.

The pre-certification of trainers will make them eligible for participation in trainings for other national censuses and surveys of the Statistical Service which include but not limited to the periodic conduct of agriculture censuses and surveys, economic censuses and surveys, Ghana Living Standards Survey, Demographic and Health Surveys and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys.

The training programme will equip participants with the tools to effectively communicate key concepts to other trainers and to enumerators as well as build capacity in important areas such as presentation skills, classroom management, and leadership.

The application process is free. Eligible individuals with a postgraduate degree or equivalent experience as trainer for censuses/surveys are encouraged to apply online through

For further information and clarification, Visit the Ghana Statistical Service website ( or Call 0591476893, 0206850157 or 0551625567 from 8 am – 8 pm.

The official email is


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