Nigeria tension is a prophesy come true - Apostle Amoako Attah

Nigeria tension is a prophesy come true – Apostle Amoako Attah

It has emerged that the ongoing disturbances in neighboring Nigeria which started as a demonstration against SARS, has been prophesied by a well-known and respected Man of God in Ghana, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah who is the Founder and Leader of Parliament Chapel International (PCI) is known to have made several prophecies about Nigeria predicted what Nigeria is currently facing.

The prophet is said to have shared the audio with his Nigerian Bishop on September 30, 2020, days before the demonstrations broke out, was not far from what the country is experiencing.

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah in the audio told the Bishop to rally all the Bishops, Teachers, Prophets and Men of God in the country to pray for the nation to avert the imminent disaster.

According to him, he had the Prophecy during a three hours’ prayer session where it was revealed to him.

He said, he saw a wind blowing which eventually turned into a storm over Nigeria.

The storm, he noted, was so severe that it began to destroy things from Lagos and spread through other areas and even to the prisons.

“It became terrible at the end,” he bemoaned.

He averred that God told him that Nigeria will experience a very serious situation from now till 2021 and urged the church to rise up and determine what goes on in Nigeria.

According to him, if the church fails to take up that responsibility, the devil will decide for them.

“It is about time the church, bishops, teachers and the prophets sacrifice their ego, sacrifice their individuality, sacrifice their arrogance and their desire for money and turn back to God so He can save the country from the hands of the bloody people,” he cautioned.

He said the Church must come together as one voice so that the undiluted Blood of Jesus Christ will save the Nation.

The Man of God also indicated that the revelation he had on Nigeria also described how the young ones would suffer in the hands of the security services when they begin to cry for a revolution.

“This thing will spread like what we now know as the Arab Spring. It can spread to any other Africa country. I saw many Nigerians running and fleeing to Ghana. I will urge you to gather the people in prayers and stop the enemy before it gets out of hands,” he said.

He also explained that the devil has seen that the individuality and selfishness of Nigerian leaders are becoming too much hence the attack, and stressed that the Social disorder will become so rampant in Nigeria that there will be war between the young men and the security which will lead to several killings of the youth by the security forces.

This, he said, will give Boko Haram the opportunity to penetrate, and added that if the Churches did not take what is happening serious, it will be more than Coronavirus.

Meanwhile, people are beginning to ask questions as to whether it is a smug, complacency or negligence on the part of his Nigerian friends for ignoring the said prophecy when it was sent to them.

Source:Kay Agbenyega, Contribution

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