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90% of COVID survivors still require physiotherapy

90% of COVID survivors still require physiotherapy

Recovered Covid-19 patients risk experiencing Covid symptoms after a long period in what has been termed Long Covid.

However, physiotherapists have been noted as a point of call in dealing with Long Covid. They are drawing attention to this condition which affects about 80% of recovered Covid-19 patients, as they mark World Physiotherapy Day.

Eight out of every ten persons who have recovered from Covid-19 stand the risk of experiencing what medics call Long Covid.

The condition appears with fatigue, shortness of breath, mobility challenges, and cardiac complications.

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Physiotherapist with the Mother and Child Health Hospital Sharon Wuver told Ultimate News Ivant Heathcote Fumador “the statistic shows that about 80 to 90 percent of people who have tested positive for Covid will also get Long Covid. They will still be presented with symptoms of Covid way after they have tested negative.”

She explained “so, probably you tested positive today, in about two weeks you are feeling fine and you tested negative, you’ve been discharged and everything but you hare still having that breathlessness, you’re still having that fatigue, you’re still having that dizziness, that’s what Long Covid is.”

She said it would need the help of a physiotherapist like herself to get these patients regaining their full-body function.

“The symptoms that we as physiotherapists can help you manage are fatigue, breathlessness, joint pains, inability to do something, etc,” she added.


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