Hungarian gov’t honours Dr. Lawrence Tetteh in Hungarian Parliament

Hungarian gov’t honours Dr. Lawrence Tetteh in Hungarian Parliament

Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, the founder/ President of the Worldwide Miracle Outreach has been appointed to act as Adviser to Hungary- Africa knowledge Centre.

His appointment was announced on Tuesday September 14.


Dr. Lawrence Tetteh is the founder/ President of the Worldwide Miracle Outreach. He is an International Evangelist, a teacher of the Gospel and the author of many books, including Count your Blessings and Benefits of the Anointing.

He trained at the Budapest Corvinus University of Economic Sciences in Hungary and also at the London School of Economics (LSE) in the United Kingdom.

He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. As a PhD/Research Fellow in Economics and International Relations, he had the opportunity to work with many international organisations, but the Lord had completely different plans for him.

As these plans continue to unfold, the world is witnessing the emergence of Dr Tetteh as one of the most uncompromising, dynamic and renowned healing evangelist of our time. He is overflowing with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and God is using him mightily to affect this generation.

Dr Tetteh has also ministered extensively in many international conferences and universities in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the USA. He is a regular speaker of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship worldwide.

Dr Tetteh, his wife Barbara and their children live in the UK.

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